WELCOME: A study on the life of a Doormat.
1. A mat placed before a doorway, for wiping dirt from shoes.
2. One who submits meekly to domination or mistreatment by others.
Everyone is friends with a doormat..
They are at all social events, they are always on time and they are usually the last to leave. They will always be there for you, when you need a favor, when you need someone to talk to, when you need them to do the talking for you. All they ask in return is to be needed. Easy.
Doormats very rarely know they are doormats. If they are told this by someone they usually brush it off, no-one ever believes they are a doormat. If they begin to realise what they are this is usually dissolved from their mind by their need to do more Doormat things and is soon forgotten. Doormat-ism is an addiction, An addiction to being liked.
Social Addiction is stronger than any of the drug addictions, you worry about any signs of dislike from others, if someone is even pretending to be mad you worry, "what did i do?" This fear leads to anger, anger leads to desperation and soon enough you are doing everything in your power to make up for whatever it is that went wrong.
You spend a lot of money, attending every event to ensure maximum social exposure, buying drinks, transport, entry fees... sometimes one night can have 3 different events... you make sure to attend all three.
A Night with nothing on is a nightmare. Frustration builds up quickly... nothing seems to be able to fill the void... video games, books, music... nothing is worth doing. You go to bed early to make the time pass.
A dud night out is just as bad. Time is important... weekends are Gold.
Sometimes you feel like you want to be alone... these are the times when you go out with others but hang in the background,, no talking, no opinion... pretending to be alone. This is often mistaken for depression.
Doormats are great to talk to when you are feeling down, they do honestly want to help you out and be there for you. But little do you know what sacrifices they are making; missing work, sleep... they are addicted to your need for them.
What causes Social addiction?
Basically a lack of closeness. People who are social addicts are usually single. They need people to be close to, they need to feel loved. This is the cause of their addiction because as close as they are friends with you they usually are nothing more and so the closeness they want can never be achieved. Like a carrot on a string they are led along indefinitely.
The only cure to Social addiction is self awareness. The Addict needs to be able to help themselves through this. They need to Admit they have a problem.
Welcome Social Addicts Anonymous.... I'm Will and I'm a Doormat.
(Note: I am in no way as extreeme as most of the stuff in here, however i do know people who are and at some point have been very close.)